New managers, new team leaders, new procedures and policies, refresher courses for existing managers… all can benefit from interactive, scenario and forum theatre based exercises during a training session.

While a manual or online tool can give instructions on the theory of management conversations and company policy directives, a way to ensure that this theory is understood and successfully taken back into the workplace, is with an experiential session using demonstration and interactive scenarios, illustrating both the process involved and the behaviours that can be expected from the staff members concerned.

The questions, challenges, emotions and frustrations of staff can be explored, and possible responses considered, discussed and practiced in large or smaller break out groups using Forum Theatre techniques. Experience and encouragement shared by the group, together with the chance to practice saying the words out loud, can be powerful tools for building confidence.

  • Reinforce company policy and procedure
  • A chance to practice techniques in a safe environment
  • Scenarios and exercises tailored to your organisational needs
  • Up skill new managers and team leaders
  • Use forum theatre techniques to learn how to deal with issues
  • Gain support and encouragement from the group
  • Share experiences
  • Say it out loud
'…I've now received the feedback sheets from the delegates and thought you would like to know that the actors were rated as 'Excellent' by all the delegates who responded. Please feel free to pass this on to the actors… '

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There are many different ways which roleplay can be used in the training room and the assessment arena – continue exploring to see how we can help.


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