Organisational change is a fact of our working life today, as technology, logistics, markets and customer bases constantly move, improve and adapt. The stress that change of any kind brings to a workforce must be carefully managed, to avoid a drop in morale, production or confidence that could damage the organisation.

Our roleplayers support clients and consultancies with their own in-house workshops, as well as with sessions specially devised with their Learning and Development teams. The sessions work well, using a mix of interactive drama and training exercises, with the roleplayers illustrating the behavioural elements and the trainer facilitators linking these to actions and interventions to help the workforce cope with the situation as it unfolds.

Covering different areas of the change curve, scenarios can be demonstration style, storytelling style, interactive stop/start style, hot seat style or with 1-1 conversations. With the roleplayers remaining in character, they can be moved from their position of stress and discomfort at the start, through anger and despondency, to acceptance and enthusiasm as the session goes on.

  • Bespoke scenarios to illustrate and provoke discussion
  • Devised in collaboration with clients
  • Characters travel through the full range of the change curve
  • Can use different styles of interaction for best effect
  • Participants can relate to the situations in front of them
  • Careful casting reflects company demographic
  • Understanding the emotional process helps the workforce cope with change
' …just to say that we got some great feedback from the participants on Bryonie - she was really authentic in the role-play and three of the four participants commented on how realistic she made the meeting... '

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There are many different ways which roleplay can be used in the training room and the assessment arena – continue exploring to see how we can help.

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