
Working with an external trainer, we supported this Housing Society client with a team of roleplayers, who portrayed members of staff in a series of demonstration scenarios designed to raise awareness and promote discussion.

These short conversations were deliberately provocative, covering subjects such as humour with colleagues, use of language, exclusion, bullying and harassment. They were sharp, sometimes vicious stories, but always authentic, with the roleplayers staying in character after the scenario and available for questions about the experience from both sides.

During the discussions, the audience shared their own experiences with the group, together with personal strategies they had used to counter issues that they had faced in the past.

These stories were uncomfortable to hear, but more immediate than video footage, with the added bonus of the audience being able to confront the protagonist and to coach the recipient on how they might defend themselves.

'They did a great job. The delegates really benefited from it, and I look forward to working with them again in 2 weeks time…'

Continue exploring...

There are many different ways which roleplay can be used in the training room and the assessment arena – continue exploring to see how we can help.

Drama Based TrainingScenarios

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